Office of the First Vice President, Zanzibar


Environment Direct Clearance

Direct Clearance will be granted to any person whose activities or project has been proven to cause an insignificant or no environmental or social impacts. In this case, no assessment is required. However the following procedural steps apply to this category of project:

  1. Registration: A proponent must register his or her project or activity with ZEMA, by filling in the registration forms and submitting them together with a bank pay-in-slip for the registration fee.
  2. Site verification: This is carried out in order to become familiar with an activity, by physically observing the project area.
  3. Letter of conditions: The ZEMA will send a letter of conditions to be applied by the proponent during the operation of project.
  4. Submission of the Commitment letter to implement the conditions: A proponent will have to send back the letter to ZEMA to accept the implementation of the conditions.
  5. Issuing a certificate: After the project proponent has submitted his/her letter, committing him or herself to the conditions, the ZEMA will issue a direct clearance for the project or activity.